
東京大学大学院新領域創成科学研究科 物質系専攻


[1] "Thermoelectric properties of EuZn2Sb2 Zintl compounds: zT enhancement through Yb substitution for Eu"
Y. Takagiwa, Y. Sato, A. Zevalkink, I. Kanazawa, K. Kimura, Y. Isoda, and Y. Shinohara
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 703, 73 (2017).

[2] "Unified cluster-based description of valence bands in AlIr, RuAl2, RuGa3 and Al-TM quasicrystalline approximants"
K. Kitahara, Y. Takagiwa, and K. Kimura
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 809, 012014 (2017)

[3] "Probing of the psedogap via thermoelectrical properties in the Au-Al-Gd quasicrystal approximant"
A. Ishikawa, Y. Takagiwa, K. Kimura, and R. Tamura
Physical Review B 95, 104201 (2017).

[4] "Local cluster networks and the number of valence states in aluminium-transition metal face-centred icosahedral quasicrystals"
K. Kitahara and K. Kimura
Zeitschrift fuer Kristallographie 232(7-9), 507 (2017).

[5]「実験的熱電特性のデータベース化に向けた論文データ収集WebシステムStarry dataの開発」
桂ゆかり, 熊谷将也, 今井庸二, 郡司咲子, 木村薫
粉体および粉末冶金, 64, 8 (2017).

[6] "High-pressure synthesis of tetragonal iron aluminide FeAl2"
K. Tobita, N. Sato, Y. Katsura, K.Kitahara, D. Nishio-Hamane, H. Gotou and K. Kimura
Scripta Materialia 141, 107 (2017).


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