
東京大学大学院新領域創成科学研究科 物質系専攻


[1] "Li- and Mg-doping into Icosahedral Boron Crystals, α- and β-rhombohedral Boron, Targeting High-Temperature Superconductivity: Structure and Electronic States",
K. Soga, A. Oguri, S. Araake, M. Terauchi, A. Fujiwara, and K. Kimura,
Journal of Solid State Chemistry 177, 498 (2004).

[2] "Thermoelectric Properties of Al-based Icosahedral Quasicrystals",
T. Nagata, K. Kirihara, and K. Kimura,
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 334&335, p.384 (2004).

[3] "High-energy-resolution Electron Energy-loss Spectroscopy Study of the Electronic Structure of Cu- and Mg-Si-doped β-rhombohedral Boron Crystals",
M. Terauchi, Y. Sato, T. Nakayama, A. Oguri, K. Soga, and K. Kimura,
Journal of Solid State Chemistry 177, 2916 (2004).

[4] "High Energy-resolution Electron Energy-loss Spectroscopy Study of the Electronic Structures of Li- and Mg-doped α-rhombohedral Boron",
M. Terauchi, A. Oguri, K. Kimura, and A. Fujiwara,
Journal of Electron Microscopy 53, 586 (2004).

[5] "Fabrication of Crystallized Boron Films by Laser Ablation",
Z. Wang, Y. Shimizu, T. Sasaki, K. Kirihara, K. Kawaguchi, K. Kimura, and N. Koshizaki,
Journal of Solid State Chemistry 177, 1639 (2004).

[6] "Positron Annihilation Studies of Icosahedral Quasicrystals and Their Approximants in the Al-Cu-Ru-(Si) Alloy Systems",
H. Uchiyama, T. Takahashi, K. Arinuma, K. Sato, I. Kanazawa, E. Hamada, T. Suzuki, K. Kirihara, and K. Kimura,
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 16, 1899 (2004).

[7] "複雑構造固体としての準結晶",
金属 74, 35 (2004).
[8] "Thermoelectric Properties of Al-Pd-Re(-Ru) Icosahedral Quasicrystals",
T. Nagata, K. Kirihara, and K. Kimura,
Proceedings of 22nd International Conference on Thermoelectrics, 247 (2004).

[9] "Effect of Substrate Position on the Morphology of Boron Products by Laser Ablation",
Z. Wang, Y. Shimizu, T. Sasaki, K. Kirihara, K. Kawaguchi, K. Kimura, and N. Koshizaki,
Special Issue of Applied Physics A: Laser Ablation 79, 891 (2004).

[10] "Thermoelectric Properties of AlPdRe Quasicrystalline Thin Films",
K. Kirihara, K. Kawaguchi, N. Koshizaki, and K. Kimura,
Proceedings of the 8th IUMRS International Conference on Advanced Materials, 2797 (2004).


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